Kliqqi Social Bookmarking - As one of the country's top finance departments, our goal is to provide students with the theoretical and empi https://pligg.samweber.biz/story.php?title=as-one-of-the-countrys-top-finance-departments-our-goal-is-to%C2%A0provide-students-with-the-theoretical%C2%A0and%C2%A0empi Banks looked good, too. By 1929 the combined balance-sheets of America's 25,000 lenders stood at $60 billion. The assets they held seemed prudent: just 60% were loans, with 15% held as cash. Even the 20% made up by investment securities seemed sensible: the lion's share of holdings were bonds, with ultra-safe government bonds making up more than half. With assets of such high quality the banks all Thu, 01 Feb 2018 12:26:54 UTC en